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Looking Back at 2022!

Farm-Based Education Network 2022 YIR (3)
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Every year we listen to our members, and 2022 was no exception. We heard from one that FBEN “is my go-to place,” and from another that our workshop, “didn't ever feel rushed, I never felt obligated, I felt accepted where I was.” The feedback we receive about our workshops means more than the numbers of people who visited the website or downloaded resources. FBEN celebrated its 16th year in 2022 and as the Coordinator, I feel motivated and excited to continue offering workshops that honor the important work of farm-based education, nourish farm-based educators, and inspire new ideas and approaches.

In September and October, we convened in person for the first time since October 2019! At the ABCs of Farm-Based Education workshop, we opened with a campfire in the center of our circle, which warmed us inside and out while we introduced ourselves, our programs and farms, and our hopes for the time together.

Because it was a year of listening, we have interspersed our members’ words throughout this year-in-review so you, too, can gain insight into the impact of our programs. We are endlessly grateful for the opportunity to support farm-based educators, and appreciate the people near and far who support this network through their participation, financial contributions, administrative and facilitative work.

Here’s to a successful year, and many more ahead!


Vera Simon-Nobes, Coordinator

Photo: Learning Journey at High Spirit Community Farm, Great Barrington, MA

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